I've gone INDEPENDENT!!!!

I have set up my own studio in Hackney Wick. I worked hard for the last 6 weeks setting up, finding studio mates and it is finally all there. I still have a few more things to do but I have new studio mates starting from today! This is so exciting and a little bit daunting, but if I'm honest I think it is all going to be fine! 



I left the open access studio, Turning Earth, as I needed more freedom and space to do more experimental work, which was not possible at a large shared studio.  However, it had offered a space to horn my basic skills and meet some nice people whom I will be working at my studio with. 






There are so many possibilities that I could make it happen with the space and the people I have met along and way with new people I will meet in the months to come. 



 I have named my studio 'Studio U', the top is Korean, English and last is Chinese that will give meaning to 'U'. The Chinese character is read 'ryu' and means flow as it contains water and river in its shape. So I thought flow, change, process, journey that leads to destruction then to creation. I think it is quite fitting for a makers space which will do all of that! 
