Old negatives @ Courtauld Institute of Art

I have been volunteering at Courtauld Institute since April this year to help digitise all of their archived photographs and negatives in the library. This will be available to the public to access (as long as they have copyright clearance) when the project is finished in about 3 years time. Digitisation project is part of a bigger change happening at the Courtauld Institute to modernise called Courtauld Connects

This has been a chance to meet new people and to handle fragile piece of history. The work itself could mundane at times but I get a chance to do some quiet work in the library which is nice. Technology is not my thing, however it is nice to be aware and informed of what is happening in the art sector and have some insider understanding of the latest issues. 

Below link is about the damaged negatives we digitised and I think this photo/negative is so funny! British peoples' pass time activity?? 

